We’re very happy to announce that thanks to the hard work and great patience of the technical team at Radio TLV1 we are now back in the iTunes podcast listings! Back in the day, when we launched back on Radio CUR1350, we were the first and only Israeli/Jewish music podcast listed in iTunes.
Unfortunately, when the show was on break, our web host (who had kindly been hosting us for free) deleted all the data from his server (he couldn’t take the increasingly high volumes of traffic from our subscribers!) but without telling us. So we lost the iTunes listing as the data file that the application pulled our info from was also deleted.
Since making our new home on TLV1 we have been trying to get relisted but bizarrely without success. However we are delighted that we are finally back and you can subscribe through iTunes by using this link.
Now all iTunes users can very easily keep up to date with all our new shows!
A huge thanks again to the team at TLV1.