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Kol Cambridge Israeli Music Soundtrack December 2020

The Hava Song - Nissim Black

Kol Yachol - Cohen, VIbe Ish & Argaman

Aladin - Elsie Doll

Hayom HaZe Magia - Mati Shriki

Lechaim - HaTikva 6

Hachi Yafa BaOlam - HaTikva 6

Shalelu Li - HaTikva 6

Ross v’Rachel - HaTikva 6

Yafa Kmo HaShabbat - Moshik Afia & Yaniv Ben Mashiach

Agadat HaShemesh - Rita with Static & Ben-El

Ein Li Ma - Osher Bachta

Kochecha Haram - Yuval Dayan

Candlelight 2020 - The Maccabeats

Dreidel - Shir Soul

Chanukah Medley - Itzik Eshel


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