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Kol Cambridge Israeli Music Podcast August 2021

Superstar – Noa Kirel, Mergui, Stephane Legar, Static & Ben-El, Agam Buchbut & Gal Adam

Mesiba BaTzohorayim – Itai Levi\Ashlayot – Stephane Legar

Magavot – Agam Buchbut

Orot – Static & Ben-El ft Ron Nesher

Geshem Matok – Static & Ben-El ft Rami Kleinstein

HaIr HaGdola – Static & Ben-El ft Agam Buchbut

Laila Ma’adan – Static & Ben-El

Mitpalel – Subliminal

Nivgad – Subliminal

Almog – Subliminal

HaRechov Mashgiyach – Subliminal

Achat L’Chatuna – Kobi Peretz & Katrix

Ose Li Tov – Ben Zini & Shilo Ben Sa’adon

Kol Yom – Ron Nesher & Idan Chaim

Blue V – Eyal Golan


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